Thursday, November 6, 2008

More on Fox News

The election’s over, and not that we need any further evidence of Fox bias, but....

From FAIR (Freedom & Acccuracy In Reporting)

Fox News Nailbiter!
Conservative channel pushed notion of a tightening election

One of the most glaring peculiarities about the Fox News Channel’s campaign coverage in the run-up to the November 4 election was the channel’s frequent insistence, in the waning days of the campaign, that the election was remarkably close, with Republican John McCain surging.

In reality, few polls suggested this was happening (see;, but Fox chose to give a handful of outlying, unrepresentative surveys considerable attention. It was as if the channel were less interested in accurately reporting the state of the campaign than in presenting an alternate reality that would be pleasing to partisan viewers.

Click here to see the rest of the story, including examples in the campaign’s final days.

Smarts—Movie Project Teams


Movie: “The Killing Fields” Presentation date: 12/4
Hertig, Edward
*Linder, Darin S.
Radle, Devan S.

TEAM Twizzle-Wizzle
Movie: “13 Days” Presentation date: 12/2
Adams, Rachel J.
Jeppson, Tamara
*Nance, Lorene W.
Rasmussen, Taylor J.

Movie: “Catch Me If You Can” Presentation date: 12/2
Bullock, Anna M.
Jones, Autumn D.
Nield, Jessica C.
*Rohwer, James K.
Smith, Mauri A.

Movie: “Rescue Dawn” Presentation date: 11/20
Cambron, Kacee
Jones, Brittany A.
Olson, Tyler R.
*Schieving, Sarah E.

Movie: “Cinderella Man” Presentation date: 11/20
Ferry, Emily E.
Kushlan, Michael W
Osmun, Dallin J.
Scoggins, Courtney A.
*Sorensen, Taylor J.

Movie: “Pearl Harbor” Presentation date: 12/4
Gregory, Rylee A.
Landeen, Spencer T.
Pack, Ryan S.
*Sharp, Holli L.

* = team captain

Smarts—Readings on Film & Society

Readings: Film & Society

Your film project examines both how your selected movie frames your topic—with awareness of what is included and what is excluded—and how the film may try to “rewrite” history by comparing the cinema version with the historical record.

These readings address many of these and related issues.

Can a Film Change The World? Time

Can Movies Change Our Minds?

Debating Iwo Jima Time

Do Movies Shape Your Opinions? USA Today

In Election Movies, Playing by the Rule of Three National Public Radio

James Matt: ‘Sicko’ Illustrates Power of ‘Advomentaries’

An Oscar Crop with an Instinct for Change National Public Radio

Top Gun versus Sergeant Bilko? No contest, says the Pentagon
Scripts can often be the first casualty in Hollywood’s theatre of war