Sunday, September 13, 2009

QUIZ: NewsHounds Wk3

NewsHounds Week3 Quiz

Your Name:

From Harrower, Ch. 2: Terminology

• What do you call the area/subject that a reporter covers?

• What’s the function of the headline?

• What is a cutline?

• Publisher William Randolph Hearst said this is whatever makes you say, “Gee whiz!”

• What is the first sentence or paragraph of a news story called?

• What’s a jumpline?

• What’s the reporter’s name at the top of a news story called?

• What is “attribution”?

• What is a newspaper’s “flag”?

More stuff:

• Harrower lists five things that every reporter should remember about readers. Which do you think is most important and why?

1 ordinary man + 1 ordinary life = 0 news, says Bastion and Case in “News Arithmetic.” Why? What would make and “ordinary person” newsworthy?

• Harrower lists seven elements that make news interesting. What are they? Which do you think is most important and why?

• Harrower quotes many journalists on their jobs. Is there one comment—good or bad—about being a journalist that particularly struck you? Why?

• Do the Test Yourself exercise No. 1 on p. 32 and type your answers below.

From Pease’s Newswriting “Primer”:

• Explain what is meant by the “inverted pyramid.” How does it work?

• What should appear in a news story’s lead?

• Explain the “Fred Rule.” Why does it work for newswriting?

• What’s wrong with writing a news story chronologically?

• Pease says writing is an aural art. What does he mean? Do you agree?

Some Associated Press Style stuff.
Correct these so they conform to AP style:

• The boy is five. He ate twenty-seven chocolates. He lives at Four Main Street.

• The new Governor of Utah is Gary Herbert. He is friends with Senator Orrin Hatch.

• The President of USU will speak at five PM in the afternoon. It ends at 6:00 pm.

• The hat cost 5 dollars. It is Brown. He lived in Paris, France, for 7 years.

• The conference took place over the week-end in Boston, MA.

• 200 North Central Boulevard. Fourteen Adams Road. 4 Elm Ave.

• He joined the air force and shipped out to Iraq.

• The car cost more than $24,000 thousand dollars. The cuts were $12,000,000, or more than 6% of the budget, and hurt nine percent of the staff.

• The student is nineteen years old. She drove 6 hours to get here. She drives a six year old Toyota. She had 7 suitcases and twenty-three stuffed monkeys in the trunk.

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